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This course is delivered for those who will be sitting unit 04 Exams in January session or all three units in May/June session. The fee can be paid in 3 instalments or those who wish to get 10% discounts can pay the full payment .

  • 17 Enrolled
  • Duration of the A2 course will be a minimum of 76 hour of live lesson that will be delivered on Zoom platform. However, the number of live sessions may reach up to 90 to 95 hours without any additional payments required

    Recordings are available for revision, so you never miss a class

    When is it usually started?

    It's started by the end of August every year and continue till the 2nd week of May on the following year

    What if someone joins late ?

    Latecomers may join a new batch or they can still join the course with concessional fee and are still able to access the recordings of previous classes

    How about the recorded lectures?

    Recordings will be available to students for revision, ensuring that no classes are missed

    What else does the course include?

    The course also includes:

            Videos, animations and virtual practical sessions

            Well summarised notes and pre-recorded past papers

            Quizzes and mock exams with discussion and feedback tailored to each student (provided free of charge)

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    Chemistry content Edexcel IAL Chemistry(A2) -YCH11

    Unit 4: Rates, Equilibria and Further Organic Chemistry 

    Unit 5: Transition Metals and Organic Nitrogen Chemistry

    Unit 6: Practical Skills in Chemistry II



    • Section 01 : Demo Lesson and Chemistry content for IA2
        • Demo Lesson and sample practical videos & summary notes

          • Demo lesson -unit 04 video clips
          • Reaction of Phenol Part 01
          • Sample notes 

            Define what is meant by d-block elements ?
            ·         A d- block element is one where the highest occupied energy level is a d orbital.
            Or When electrons are filled, in a D block elelment-the last electron goes into the d-subshell or one of the d-orbitals.

            Please note that its is wrong to say  that "electrons are prsent in d-subshell  or   outer or valence electrons are in d subshell


        • Description for Unit 4 : Rates, Equilibria and Further Organic Chemistry


          In this unit, students make a quantitative study of chemical kinetics and extend their study of organic reaction mechanisms.

          The topics of entropy and equilibria show how chemists are able to predict quantitatively the direction and extent of chemical change.

          The unit tests the equilibrium law by showing the degree to which it can accurately predict changes during acid-base reactions, notably the changes to pH during titrations.

          The organic chemistry in this unit covers carbonyl compounds, and carboxylic acids and their derivatives. Students are required to apply their knowledge gained in Units 1 and 2, to all aspects of this unit. This includes nomenclature, ideas of isomerism, bond polarity and bond enthalpy, reagents and reaction conditions, reaction types and mechanisms.

          Students will be assessed on their ability to:

          ·         Understand the terms:

          ü  rate of reaction

          ü  rate equation, rate=k[A]m[B]n where m and n are 0, 1 or 2

          ü  order with respect to a substance in a rate equation

          ü  overall order of a reaction

          ü  rate constant

          ü  half-life

          ü  rate-determining step

          ü  activation energy

          ü  heterogeneous and homogeneous catalyst

          ·         be able to calculate the half-life of a reaction, using data from a suitable graph, and identify a reaction with a constant half-life as being first order

          ·         be able to select and justify a suitable experimental technique to obtain rate data for a given reaction, including:

          ü  titration

          ü  colorimetry

          ü  mass change

          ü  volume of gas evolved

          ü  other suitable technique(s) for a given reaction

          ·         Understand experiments that can be used to investigate reaction rates by:

          ü  an initial-rate method, carrying out separate experiments where different initial concentrations of one reagent are used A ‘clock reaction’ is an acceptable approximation of this method.

          ü  a continuous monitoring method to generate data to enable concentration-time or volume-time graphs to be plotted

          ·         be able to deduce the order (0, 1 or 2) with respect to a substance in a rate equation, using data from:

          ü  a concentration-time graph

          ü   a rate-concentration graph

          ü  an initial-rate method

          ·         understand how to:

          ü  obtain data to calculate the order with respect to the reactants (and the hydrogen ion) in the acid-catalysed iodination of propanone

          ü  use these data to make predictions about species involved in the rate-determining step

          ü  deduce a possible mechanism for the reaction

          ·         be able to deduce the rate-determining step from a rate equation and vice versa

          ·         be able to deduce a reaction mechanism, using knowledge of the rate equation and the stoichiometric equation for a reaction

          ·         understand that knowledge of the rate equations for the hydrolysis of halogenoalkanes can be used to provide evidence for SN1 and SN2 mechanisms for tertiary and primary halogenoalkane hydrolysis

          ·         be able to use calculations and graphical methods to find the activation energy for a reaction from experimental data The Arrhenius equation will be given if needed.

          ·         understand the use of a solid (heterogeneous) catalyst for industrial reactions, in the gas phase, in terms of providing a surface for the reaction

          ·         CORE PRACTICALS 9a and 9b

          Following the rate of the iodine-propanone reaction by a titrimetric method and investigating a ‘clock reaction’ (Harcourt-Esson, iodine clock).

          ·         CORE PRACTICAL 10 Finding the activation energy of a reaction

          ·         Further suggested practicals:

          ü  the reaction between marble chips and hydrochloric acid (change of mass or change in volume of gas)

          ü  the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid to determine the activation energy

          ü  following the rate of the iodine-propanone reaction by a colorimetric method

          ü  the catalysis by a cobalt(II) salt of potassium sodium tartrate and hydrogen peroxide

          ü  the action of the enzyme urease on urea and thiourea



          Students are also expected to use formulae and balanced equations and calculate chemical quantities.

          Chemistry in action

          This unit shows how the principles of kinetics and thermodynamics can help to identify optimal conditions for the manufacture of chemicals.

          The study of entropy links thermodynamics and equilibrium, and shows how chemists approach fundamental questions about the stability of chemicals and the direction of chemical change.

          The historical development of theories explaining acids and bases shows how scientific ideas change as a result of new evidence and fresh thinking.

          The study of buffer solutions shows the importance of equilibrium systems in living cells, in medicines, in foods and in the natural environment.

          The two broad areas of application of chemistry are synthesis and analysis. In this unit, synthesis is illustrated by reactions of carbonyl compounds (notably with cyanide ions) and the production of esters for use as solvents, flavourings and perfumes. The main analytical technique featured is nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), including coverage of magnetic resonance imaging

          Practical skills

          Through practical work, students will learn about the methods used to measure reaction rates. They will collect data, analyse it and interpret the results. They then see how knowledge of rate equations and other evidence can enable chemists to propose models to describe the mechanisms of reactions.

          Simple practical work can be used to investigate equilibrium systems.

          Students can develop their skill at volumetric analysis, with a number of titration activities as part of their exploration of acid-base equilibria.

          Although the organic section of the unit contains no core practical activities, students would be expected to encounter simple test-tube reactions for organic functional groups – such as the use of Benedict’s or Tollens’ reagents. There are also opportunities to undertake synthetic reactions, for example to make and purify an ester.

          Mathematical skills

          There are opportunities for the development of mathematical skills in this unit. This includes plotting and justifying the shapes of rate-concentration and concentration-time graphs, calculating the half-life of a reaction, calculating the activation energy from a suitable graph and rearranging the Arrhenius equation. Also, calculating entropy changes, constructing Born-Haber cycles and calculating missing values, constructing expressions for Kc and Kp and calculating values with relevant units, estimating the change in value of an equilibrium constant when a variable changes, using logarithms and exponentials for converting from concentration to pH of a buffer solution, plotting and interpreting titration curves and representing chiral molecules with appropriate diagrams. There is also an opportunity for calculating Rf values and interpreting infrared spectra and using the (n + 1) rule for proton NMR




        • Description for Unit 5 : Transition Metals and Organic Nitrogen


          In this unit, the study of electrode potentials builds on the study of redox in Unit 2, including the concept of oxidation number and the use of redox half equations.

          Students will study further chemistry related to redox, including transition metals.

          The organic chemistry section of this unit focuses on arenes and organic nitrogen compounds such as amines, amides, amino acids and proteins. The organic synthesis section requires students to use the knowledge and understanding of organic chemistry that they have gained over the entire specification.

          This unit draws on all the other units in the International Advanced Level in Chemistry and students are expected to use their prior knowledge when learning about the areas in this unit. Students will, again encounter ideas of isomerism, bond polarity and bond enthalpy, reagents and reaction conditions, reaction types and mechanisms. Students are also expected to use formulae and balanced equations, and calculate chemical quantities

          Chemistry in action

          The study of chemical cells illustrates the impact on scientific thinking when it emerges that ideas developed in different contexts can be shown to be related to a major explanatory principle. In this unit, cell emfs and equilibrium constants are shown to be related to the fundamental criterion for the feasibility of a chemical reaction: the total entropy change.

          The explanatory power of the energy-level model for electronic structures is further illustrated by showing how it can help to account for the existence and properties of transition metals. In this context there are opportunities to show the limitations of the models used at this level and to indicate the need for more sophisticated explanations.

          Study of the structure of benzene is another example that shows how scientific models develop in response to new evidence. This links to further investigations of the models that chemists use to describe the mechanisms of organic reactions.

          The study of catalysts touches on a ‘frontier’ area for current chemical research and development, which is of theoretical and practical importance. This provides an opportunity to show how the scientific community reports and validates new knowledge.

          Practical skills

          As in previous units, students can begin their practical work in this unit with some simple test-tube reactions, investigating the reactions of transition metal ions in solution. This may lead to an exploration of redox reactions and, therefore, to the core practical on electrochemical cells.

          Skills in volumetric analysis can be consolidated through titrations for redox systems such as iodine-thiosulfate or manganate(VII) titrations.

          An opportunity to explore preparative inorganic chemistry is provided in the core practical devoted to making a transition metal complex.

          In organic chemistry, there are further functional groups to explore and the possibility of preparing an azo dye.

          The final core practical is an organic synthesis and can be used to showcase a selection of the techniques that students have developed to carry out reactions and purify products efficiently and safely.

          Mathematical skills

          There are opportunities for the development of mathematical skills in this unit. This includes calculating redox potentials, balancing redox equations from half cells, calculating masses and concentrations from redox titrations, investigating the geometry of transition metal complexes, calculating the resonance stability of benzene from thermodynamic data and calculating percentage yields. 

        • Description for Unit 6 : Practical Skills in Chemistry II


          This unit consists of a written practical examination, covering the skills and techniques developed during practical work in Units 4 and 5, as well as the tests for anions and cations, gases and organic functional groups from Units 1 and 2.

          Although the unit content contains eight core practical activities, the examination will not be limited to recall of these core practicals, there may be questions where students need to apply their knowledge to new practical situations.

          Students should, therefore, develop their practical skills by completing a range of different practicals that require a variety of different techniques.

          As students carry out practical activities, they should be encouraged to write laboratory reports using appropriate scientific, technical and mathematical language, conventions and symbols

          Development of practical skills, knowledge and understanding

          Students are expected to develop experimental skills and knowledge and understanding of the necessary techniques by carrying out a range of practicals while they study Units 4 and 5.

          This unit will assess students’ knowledge and understanding of the practical procedures and techniques that they develop.

          To prepare for assessment of this unit, centres should give students opportunities to carry out practical activities, to collect and analyse data, and to draw conclusions. Students should – at the least – carry out the eight core practicals in class. By completing these practicals, students will be able to:

          follow and interpret experimental instructions, covering the full range of laboratory exercises set  throughout the course, with minimal help from the teacher

          always work with interest and enthusiasm in the laboratory, completing most laboratory exercises in the time allocated

          manipulate apparatus, use chemicals, carry out all common laboratory procedures and use data logging (where appropriate) with the highest level of skill that may be reasonably expected at this level 

          work sensibly and safely in the laboratory, paying due regard to health and safety requirements without the need for reminders from the teacher

          gain accurate and consistent results in quantitative exercises, make the most of the expected observations in qualitative exercises and obtain products in preparations of high yield and purity

        • Assesment Overview

          Assessment information for unit 04

          The assessment is 1 hour and 45 minutes.
          The assessment is out of 90 marks.
          Students must answer all questions.
          This paper has three sections: 

          Section A: multiple choice questions

          Section B: mixture of short-open, open-response, calculations and extended-writing questions 

          Section C: data or calculation question.

          This paper will contain questions that require information from the Data Booklet 
          This paper will include a minimum of 22 marks that target mathematics at Level 2 or above. 
          Students will be expected to apply their knowledge and understanding of experimental methods in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. 
          This paper may contain some synoptic questions which require knowledge and understanding from Units 1 and 2
          Calculators may be used in the examination

          Assessment information for unit 05

          The assessment is 1 hour and 45 minutes.
          The assessment is out of 90 marks. 
          Students must answer all questions.
          This paper has three sections: 

          Section A: multiple choice questions

          Section B: mixture of short-open, open-response, calculations and extended-writing questions 

          Section C: contemporary context question. 

          This paper will contain questions that require information from the Data Booklet
          This paper will include a minimum of 18 marks that target mathematics at Level 2 or above.
          Students will be expected to apply their knowledge and understanding of experimental methods in familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
          This paper may contain some synoptic questions which require knowledge and understanding from Units 1, 2 and 4.
          Calculators may be used in the examination

          Assessment information for unit 06

          The assessment is 1 hour and 20 minutes. 

          The assessment is out of 50 marks.

          Students must answer all questions.

          This paper may include short-open, open-response and calculation questions. 

          This paper will include a minimum of 6 marks that target mathematics at Level 2 or above.

          Students will be expected to apply their knowledge and understanding of practical skills to familiar and unfamiliar situations. 

          Calculators may be used in the examination

    • Section 02 : Unit 4 Kinetics & Entropy and Energetics
    • Section 03: Unit 4 Chemical equilibria & Acid-Base equilibria
    • Section 04 : Unit 04 Organic Chemistry & Spectroscopy and Chromatography
    • Section 05: Revision & Past Papers for unit 04
    • Section 06 : Unit 05 Redox equilibria and Transition metals
    • Section 07 : Unit 05 Organic Chemistry -Benzene ,Amines, Amides, Amino Acids and Proteins
    • Section 08 : Unit 05 Organic Synthesis
    • Section 09 : Revision and Past papers for unit 05
    • Section 10 : Unit 06 Practical Skills in Chemistry II
    • Section 11: Revision & Past Papers for unit 06
  • Course Announcement

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